Sunday, January 25, 2009

It's looking good!

Good news, folks! A couple of generous donations have recently been pledged so we're up to about $12,000. Praise our faithful God and let's give thanks for the compassionate people making this dream come true! We need $20,000 to secure the house and they need to move out of the current location in the next two weeks. That means this week we're looking for about $8,000 more to come in so that by the end of January we can send off the first installment.

We're putting profiles together on each of the children so that a sponshorship organization can find school sponsors for them. It's amazing to read where each child came from. The stories of abuse and sickness and family deaths make what's happening at the House of Hope shine even brighter. Won't it be a great day when they have a house of their own?!!

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